
Hello all. If you have found your way here, then you too share my passion for the United States of America. However, you too share my horror at what is the Obama "Presidency." Inspired by Frank Gaffney's brilliant decoding of the new Missile Defense Agency logo join me, and we'll uproot the secret messages that liberal-communists have been sending for decades and save our country from certain destruction.

God Bless America.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The US Forest Service

Take a look at the seal for the US Forest Service. Though it is subtle, the message hidden within is particuarly horrifying.

Within this seal, I see a giant tree in between the U(nited) and S(tates). Phallic iconography is rather common throughout history, and that I think that giant tree is only another example. It is clearly meant to be a large penis driving the states apart from one another. It is well known that the Liberal-Communist Agenda is against states rights, but their paritcular method here is much more sinister. Why would the Liberal-Communist Agenda evoke the image of a penis?

We agree. The Homosexual Agenda.

It seems strange to think about, but I think the Liberal-Communist Agenda is using the National Forests to further their attempts to destroy the institution of marriage. After Katrina, several brave Patriots accused the government of starting concentration camps. Clearly, George W. Bush would not have done such a thing. He may have strayed from his conservitive roots and from the ideas of President Ronald Reagan, but he was not a member of the Liberal-Communist Agenda.

I think the truth is much darker indeed. The US Forest Service has been hiding homosexual re-education camps deep within our National Forests. There, they are creating an army of homosexual sleeper agents. These agents then infiltrate mainstream society and try to convince those around them that we as a country, a CHRISTIAN CENTER-RIGHT COUNTRY, are more accepting of homosexuality. They send these people to states that have rightfully used their own independence, guaranteed in the Constitution, to outlaw gay marriage.

Their goal?

To influence elections through the use of ACORN and send their own politicians to Washington to destroy the institution of marriage. No one else has noticed this as it is a little known agency. Which is why I think they decided to get a little smug with this message. Look closely at the symbol. With the way it curls its words along the bottom? The seal creates a face that is smiling in self-satisfaction.

Your game is up US Forest Service. I have discovered your hidden meaning. And now the True Patriots of this country will find ways to shut you down.

God Bless America.